Definite (the) & Indefinite (a/an) articles
a/an + singular countable nouns
- any one of a kind of group or when a noun is mentioned for the FIRST time
- with expressions of quantity and frequency
- unknown people: emphasize that a person is unknown (Ex: A Mr Smith called while you were out)
Ex: I'd like a coffee, I'd like aN apple
the + countable, uncountable or plural noun when the noun refers to something SPECIFIC or unique or to something ALREADY mentioned
- plural names of countries, oceans / seaes, rivers, mountain ranges, group of islands
- names of hotels, cinemas, museums, newspapers
- buildings named after people (Ex: The Sheraton Hotel)
Ex: The girl I met is..., Let's go to the park
ZERO ARTICLE (no article) + plural countable noun or uncountable nouns to make generalizations
- names of continents and most countries, states, cities, town, mountains, lakes, streets, parks, shops
- meals, languages, sports, games, subjects
- 's/s (Ex: McDonald's, Macy's...)
Ex: I like dogs
In each space put a/an or the, or leave the space blank
There are ten extra appearences of the in the following text. Underline them.
Countable nouns
- singular & plural form
- a/an
- some/any
- many/few
Ex: an appointment → thwo appontmentS